16 Brambling in my gardens this morning, more than there's been for a while. Still also five Corn Buntings in the fields behind too.
Spent half and hour up on the Pinnacle before work, just to see if anything was moving. It was exceptionally quiet. Three Redpolls flew over, and dropped down in to gardens in Sandy, and a lone male Pied Wag was feeding on the plateau with me. A Mistle Thrush was giving it some welly from the trees behind too. Still quite a few winter lingerers in the woods, with Redwings sipping up from the ground, and Siskins singing in the birches.
No change at Broom this lunchtime. If anything, it's quieter than yesterday. A single Meadow Pipit, and single Pied Wag both passed over, hardly the pipit and wagtail deluge I was hoping for. My search for a Beds Rockit continues...

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