Loads of stuff now either feeding young, or bursting out of nests. This hansom male Yellow Wag was feeding young near Broom today.
Check out the current distribution of Yellow Wagtail in Bedfordshire, by looking at the current Bird Club Atlas project website here.
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20-60x zoom, Bird Porn, Broom, digiscoping, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Swarovski ATS 80 HD, Yellow Wagtail
Rare 'cat
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Tern muncher
Digiscoping flying birds is not easy. This Kestrel made it easier for me though, by hovering. It was flying over the Little Tern colony at Great Yarmouth (the UK's largest), but eyeing up the brood of Ringed Plovers scuttling around underneath. I suspect the Terns may get a hammering this year...
Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20-60x zoom, Bird Porn, digiscoping, Kestrel, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Swarovski ATS 80 HD
Friday, 29 May 2009
Relocation, relocation, relocation
What an excellent start to the weekend! Just as I was about to leave work I got a call asking if I knew anything about the Hoopoe reported on Birdguides? "No" came my reply. I checked the listings and sure enough, one had been reported as "briefly in the grounds of the hospital before flying south" that was at around 13:15 and the report didn't come on until 5pm. Should I waste an hour looking for it, I asked myself? After all, these things never materialise after a report like that, do they? Well, I did decide to look for it - at least it was on my way home.
Where would a Hoopoe head for? School playing fields. Especially if there's one just south of the hospital. I stopped the car at the end of the track and started slowly walking down to the playing field. Just as I reached a gap in the hedge I saw the head of a bird. I put my bins on it - Bingo! It was the long bill and shaggy crest of the Hoopoe. What a result. I was dead chuffed to re-find it. Within ten mins the first birders started to arrive, and after a bit of hide-and-seek, quite a few saw it.
Unfortunately after only about an hour on show, it flew off north, towards the hospital. But that was the last we saw of it.
My second Beds Hoopoe in as many years. They've been a very long time coming!
Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20-60x zoom, Biggleswade, digiscoping, Hoopoe, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Swarovski ATS 80 HD
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Monday, 25 May 2009
Wonderful Wicken!
Had another day out with Mr Hackett today. What a cracker! Started off by going back for the showy Tree Pipit (see the bottom shot) - then had a sausage sarnie break, before going for the Squacco Heron at Wicken Fen. Eventually it showed really well out side the hide overlooking Bakers Fen. A fantastic end to the day. I wonder what Mr H will have to show for his efforts?
Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20x eyepiece, Bird Porn, digiscoping, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Squacco Heron, Swarovski ATS 80 HD, Tree Pipit
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Farmland bp
Had a nice evening taking shots of farmland birds with Mr Hackett tonight. Here are the fruits of my labour - Grey Partridge, Pheasant, Linnet, Corn Bunting, and Yellow Wagtail. Lovely.
Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20-60x zoom, Bird Porn, Corn Bunting, digiscoping, Grey Partridge, Linnet, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Pheasant, Swarovski ATS 80 HD, Yellow Wagtail
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20-60x zoom, Bird Porn, digiscoping, Lapwing, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Swarovski ATS 80 HD
Friday, 15 May 2009
Warm and wet
A cracking morning at Broom!
Greenshank still on G&M Growers pits
21 Arctic Terns straight through at 07:20
3 more Arctic Terns through about 20 mins later
Groups of 3 and 4 Dunlin through
A Turnstone just appeared on Peacock's Island just after 08:00
2 superb sum plum Sanderling flew in ten mins later
4 more Dunlin and a Sanderling flew straight through shortly after
3 Whimbrel then flew through at 08:30
The last bird I saw before I left was a Turtle Dove which also came
straight through.
A shame I had to leave for work!
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Northern waders still trickling through...
Improvement today - 4 Greenshank, 2 (new) tundra Ringed Plovers, 2 Shovelers at Broom this morning. At least these easterlies have brought something new to Broom. Lots of stuff sitting on eggs now.
Popped in to Derek Whites Eggs pit at lunchtime and found a Dunlin and a Ringed Plover there. The Ringo is probably a tundra, but the light was rather harsh to properly nail it.
Monday, 11 May 2009
It's gone east, finally. However two and a half hours so far sent at Broom today has produced bugger-all. The best we've managed has been a single Dunlin, and three tundra Ringed Plovers. Still 140+ Swifts over the site at the moment, and we've finally got a Garden Warbler back on territory in the wood around Moat Cottage. It's quiet.
I might have to go somewhere else this evening, just to break the monotony!
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Hurrah for spring!

The day improved markedly when I arrived at Castle Mills pit. About the first bird I looked at was a tundra Ringed Plover - a sure sign of a few waders moving. However within a few minutes I was looking at this lovely beastie:
Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20-60x zoom, digiscoping, Marsh Harrier, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Ringed Plover, Swarovski ATS 80 HD, Temminck's Stint
Yellow Wag
Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20-60x zoom, Bird Porn, digiscoping, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Swarovski ATS 80 HD, Yellow Wagtail
Meadow Pipit
Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20-60x zoom, Bird Porn, digiscoping, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Swarovski ATS 80 HD
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Had the builders in this morning, so my first opportunity for any birding was lunchtime. Seeing that there were a few Sanderlings in other counties, I had a plan. A quick look at the washout pit, and the G&M Growers pits at Broom, before heading to Derek Whites Eggs pit.
Unfortunately I'd just finished checking the washout when a Bashford called - he'd got a Sanderling on Gypsy Lane West! Damn. Beaten to the goodies.
It was a lovely little bird however, mostly in winter plumage, with the rusty flecks just coming through around the primaries. I wonder if it'll still be there tonight?
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Springs still hanging in there!
First stop this morning was the G&M Growers pits at Broom. The two sum plum Dunlin were still pottering around on them, along with two Ringed Plovers. The LRP from last night had disappeared. These pits have finally started to look good for the spring, with a nice muddy fringe forming, but is it too late?

After work I headed for the brick pits. Coronation wasn't very exciting (but I got a nice Willow Warbler shot), Rookery held a single Hobby, female Red-crested Pochard, several Pochard, two pairs of Redshanks, and several Black-heade Gulls still stilling on nests.

Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20-60x zoom, Bird Porn, digiscoping, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Swarovski ATS 80 HD, Whimbrel, Willow Warbler
Monday, 4 May 2009
Cambs comes good
With Bedfordshire being so quiet, we defected today. By mid-morning we were walking along the central drove of the Nene Washes in Cambs. This place is such a wonderful cacophony of bird sounds in spring. Blackwits were wickering, Snipe were drumming and chipping, Lapwings were spaceinvadering (that's what I think they sound like anyway), and Redshanks were tu-tu-ing - it really was magical. Well, it was until the wind got up and the rain started coming down. We beat a hastily retreat back to the car and headed south!
The Nightingales at Little Paxton are often referred to as the most visible anywhere in the country. I usually venture there at least once a year to try and see them, but today was my first trip of the year. The weather had improved a little, and although overcast, at least it wasn't raining.
On the walk down to the Wray House area (usually the best to actually see a Nightingale) we saw the heads and tails of several individuals, but not a full-body view. After waiting around for a half-hour and seeing one or two birds zipping from bush to bush, and singing so closely they made your ears pound, a family walked past asking how we were getting on. The two young lads were hoping to see their first Nightingales, but they were proving tricky. They wandered on, and about 50 meters along the track one of the lads found one singing. They beckoned Carrie and I over and there it was, singing right in the open and head-height. Excellent. The only thing that could have been better was the weather. Still, I'm quite chuffed with the results.
The last bit of birding of the day was a dash to Broom at dusk. The net result was 107 roosting Common Terns on the main island - an excellent count for early May.
Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20-60x zoom, Bird Porn, digiscoping, Nightingale, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Swarovski ATS 80 HD
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Had a lazy day today. Spent most of the day pottering around the garden, cutting grass, moving bird feeders about, you know the drill. Best bird of the morning was a Song Thrush bashing the living daylights out of snails. It's something I've not seen for years, but have fond memories of seeing them in my parents garden doing this all the time. It really put a smile on my face.
In the afternoon we got bored, so went to Rookery for an hour. The wind was blowing a gale over the eastern bank, which made viewing difficult. However the Hobbies were giving fantastic views right over head. Absolutely mega birds.
I also saw my first Grizzled Skipper of the year, albeit briefly before being blown away just as quickly as it flew in.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20-60x zoom, Bird Porn, digiscoping, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Swarovski ATS 80 HD, Whitethroat
Friday, 1 May 2009
Has spring finished?

Posted by
Steve Blain
Labels: 20-60x zoom, Bird Porn, Cuckoo, digiscoping, Nikon Coolpix P5100, Swarovski ATS 80 HD